Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Stylists Clothes Sale

So after very little sleep, injuring myself with a label gun, a pulled shoulder from carrying suitcases heavy enough to bring down an Easy Jet plane and a troop of helpers I can only name the Glam Squad.....the clothes sale finally happened!

Gorgeous Vintage style bunting
Held at a country style pub called The Orange Tree in the heart of Richmond, the room was made to look even cuter with vintage style bunting courtesy of Emma Bunting UK (

The girls looking happy with their purchases

My youngest shopper of the day

It started off fairly quiet but little did we know that a herd of girls in tutu’s, fairy wings and even a Penguin suit in desperate need of some styling had just finished the Race for Life at Old Deer Park across the road.  As they popped in for a celebratory drink to wet their dehydrated whistles, I kindly coaxed them into a room full of cupcakes, champers and clothes of every style.

It was a fantastic day with a donation of the proceeds made to Macmillan Cancer Support. I want to thank The Online Stylist, Isabella Oliver and Style Sequel for kindly donating their unwanted attire and also to the lovely guys and girls that helped me stay sane during the day! I hope to hold another sale again soon so keep checking the blog for details.

Wearing H&M shirt and Topshop Shorts

Thanks to Frances Doyle for the photography
The Online stylist-


  1. Oh wow! So great to read this - looks like an amazing event and well done for organising it...fantastic. So pleased that that my shoes went to a good cause! xxx

  2. There were blood, sweat & tears but all went well in the end! Thanks for the shoes, they went down a storm. Feels great to have a clear out doesn't it? xx

  3. A quality, soft and stretchable gear for the fitness sessions is the most important factor that will ensures the level of your performance is really high. I am so glad that recently there was an online sale and was able to get stunning deals on beach riot leggings and tops that are pretty and comfy.
